Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Special Needs? We can help!

The September/October 2008 issue of K! Magazine briefly highlighted toys and books that helps kids with tough subjects. The featured items were a Down Syndrome doll to help promote understanding and also a Chemotherapy doll that has different hair styles to help kids understand the changes that a person may experience. They also highlighted a book about plastic surgery.

“Special needs” is a growing and very important aspect of children's ministry today. All children need spiritual guidance, and families with special needs children are looking for churches that are ready and willing to work with their child. Some of our favorite resources include Group's Emergency Response Handbook. It's a great resource to have on hand, as it covers a variety of situations that could arise in your ministry including abuse, depression, legal trouble, and tragic loss. When it comes to specific needs, Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Clarissa Willis is one of the best and easiest to understand books on the topic. It provides the basics on the disorder and what the best techniques are to teach the kids who suffer from it.

Head over to our bookstore for more Special Needs resources!

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